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Sn63/Pb37 solder wire

Quick Overview

No-clean solder wire is the most effective solder with RMA resin core for manual/automatic soldering. This type of cored solder has a unique activation system that provides rapid wettability compared to other RMA cored solders. Its flux which features low residue does not require cleaning and is acceptable in appearance. It can meet GB/T3131-2001 impurity composition control requirements.

Suitable applicable for any electronic parts’manual and automatic soldering. It is also suitable for the production of commercial-purpose electronic equipment which conforms to national standards, including electronic computers, aircrafts, radio-based communication equipment, automation equipment, commercial and entertainment machines. RMA resin’s compositions are non-conductive in nature and become active only at the activation temperature. When activation temperature is reduced to the room temperature, they resume their dull state, so the post-solder residue after cooled is highly insulative. RMA resin core’s activation system can solder the following (even moderately gasified) metals such as silver, solder for electroplating, solder for thermal deposition, nickel for electroplating, copper, silver, pure tin for thermal deposition, pure tin for electroplating.

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Product Sn63/Pb37 solder wire